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  1. 1. 西安理工大学
    2. 西北工业大学大学自动化学院
    3. 西安现代控制技术研究所
  • 收稿日期:2024-05-29 修回日期:2024-07-13 出版日期:2024-07-22 发布日期:2024-07-22
  • 通讯作者: 梁帅

Asymptotic control of hypersonic flight vehicle based on error accumulation factor

  • Received:2024-05-29 Revised:2024-07-13 Online:2024-07-22 Published:2024-07-22

摘要: 研究高超声速飞行器在模型未知情况下的轨迹渐进跟踪控制问题。在缺乏模型先验知识的情况下,尽管传统基于神经网络/模糊系统的智能控制算法能够通过对模型中未知动态进行重构和补偿实现对期望指令的稳定跟踪,但是由于重构误差的存在,并不能获得精确跟踪结果。为解决高超声速飞行器在未知模型下的渐进跟踪控制问题,本文引入误差累积因子的概念构建了一种改进型Lyapunov函数,并基于此设计了一种新型模糊自适应控制算法,该算法通过保证设计的Lyapunov函数始终有界来实现系统的渐进跟踪性能,无需对模糊重构误差进行额外处理。Lyapunov稳定性理论证明了闭环系统的稳定性,对比仿真验证了所提控制算法的有效性。

关键词: 高超声速飞行器, 误差累积因子, 渐进控制, 重构误差, 自适应控制

Abstract: Abstract: This paper investigates the asymptotic tracking control problem of hypersonic flight vehicle with unknown model. In the absence of model prior knowledge, although the traditional intelligent control algorithm based on neural network/fuzzy system can achieve stable tracking of the expected instructions by reconstructing and compensating the unknown dynamics in the model, it cannot obtain accurate tracking results due to the existence of reconstruction errors. To solve the problem of as-ymptotic tracking control of hypersonic flight vehicle under unknown model, a modified Lyapunov function (MLF) is construct-ed by introducing the concept of error accumulation factor, and a new fuzzy adaptive control algorithm is designed based on the MLF. By ensuring the boundedness of modified Lyapunov function, the algorithm can achieve the asymptotic tracking performance without extra processing of the fuzzy reconstruction error. The stability of the closed-loop system is proved by means of Lyapunov stability theory, and the effectiveness of the control algorithm is verified by comparative simulation.

Key words: hypersonic flight vehicle, error accumulation factor, asymptotic control, reconstruction error, adaptive control
